terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2015

Sentir, pensar, viver e escrever futebol

Os meus 11 livros de futebol preferidos, à data:

1. “Fever Pitch” – Nick Hornby
2. “Inverting the pyramid” – Jonathan Wilson
3. “Brilliant Orange” – David Winner
4. “Futebol: the brazilian way of life” – Alex Bellos
5. “The Ball is round” – David Goldblatt
6. “Futbol, sol y sombra” – Eduardo Galeano
7. “Football Men” – Arthur Hopcraft
8. “Those feet” – David Winner
9. “À sombra das chuteiras imortais” – Nelson Rodrigues
10. “Why England Lose: & Other Curious Football Phenomena Explained” – Stefan Szymanski and Simon Kuper
11. “Tor! The story of german football” Ulrich Hesse Lichtenberger